10 January 2007
Dear President Seastrand:
The time has come for me to put distance between myself and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I can no longer in good conscience participate in any official capacity in a church whose precepts I no longer believe to be true. I therefore request that I be released from all positions in the institution of the Church. Effective immediately, I will no longer be acting in those positions which include, in part, Elders Quorum Secretary and Home Teacher in the Coronado Hills Ward. I apologize for the abruptness of this notification. Normally I would give more time for adjustments to be made, but conscience dictates haste in this case.
Please know that I am well and happy and that the time for you to influence me, even by persuasion and long suffering, is past. This would have been a letter of resignation from my membership in the Church except for the request from my wonderful, loving wife to retain my membership. It is for her sake that I do not resign.
My decision to take this action was made only after thorough study, deliberation, and many prayers. My decision is final. Any efforts by home teachers, visiting teachers, missionaries, quorum presidencies, members of the bishopric, members of the stake presidency, or any other official representatives of the Church to contact me in regard to this change of heart would be a needless, unwelcome, wasted effort. Please be dissuaded from any such attempt.
I bear the Church and its members no ill will. I acknowledge that, due to my family’s continued participation in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I will also continue to be in regular, informal contact with the Church and its members. I hope that this contact will continue to be characterized by the ideals of love and friendship which we all hold dear, and duly respectful of our various personal choices in how to interpret the evidences within our grasp.
You will find enclosed my temple recommend. I will shortly be returning the materials related to my position as Elders Quorum Secretary to President Pulotu.
Thank you for your help in this matter.
Jonathan Blake
Tags: Awakening
May 6, 2007 @ 1:29 pm
[...] It wasn’t long before I had sent in my letter to resign my callings and ending my active participation in the church. [...]