Mormonism acts in many ways like an ethnicity rather than like a religion of choice, at least here in the United States. I wonder if things are different where the majority of observant members are adult converts. I wasn’t aware enough of the issue when I was a missionary to have made meaningful observations.
]]>Although my battle was difficult it was not as difficult as yours. I have come to terms with my background after many years and now appreciate what I did learn and make use of it. I’m so glad I know Yiddish, I love it. I’m glad I know some Jewish history and have been able to make use of it in some writing I have done.
I am almost totally non-observant but still love a seder and the songs. I still identify myself as a Jew with all the paranoia that it entails.
I think in time your anger will subside – hopefully. As a Jew, even your image of god is wrong – the grey-bearded old man is a Christian image. I hope you learn that it is futile to be angry at god and fight the proper battle on those who inflicted this fierce and vengeful image on you. It’s hard work and takes time but it is a fightable battle. The fight with god is futile.