<![CDATA[Comments on: Dvorak Fits]]> Jonathan WordPress 2008-09-05T12:56:52Z 2008-09-05T12:56:52Z <![CDATA[Comment by: Jonathan Blake]]> OK, back to QWERTY mode. This must be a taste of what it’s like to suffer a brain injury and then painfully relearn how to walk and feed yourself again over long months of therapy.

]]> 2008-09-05T15:26:57Z <![CDATA[Comment by: Anonymous]]> I’m sympathetic. Made the switch myself last year and I wonder if going blind might have been easier to deal with. In the mean time I’m typing without looking for the first time in my life and it took the move to Dvorak to do it. This helped too.

]]> 2008-09-05T15:39:16Z <![CDATA[Comment by: Jonathan Blake]]> I’ve always wanted to get the Das keyboard (especially the blank key version) but it’s pretty pricey for a keyboard. That keyboarding class that I mentioned has ensured that I haven’t had to look as I type in the past 17 years. I’m hoping the switch to Dvorak is like becoming bilingual.

]]> 2008-09-06T10:30:44Z <![CDATA[Comment by: Matt]]> Key board bilingual? Heh, that’s funny. One advantage I’ve found with Dvorak and the blank Das Keyboard is that my co-workers stop asking me “can I drive?”. It always bugs me when folks want to take-over your keyboard to make a point.

BTW–I’m anon. Did it by accident.

]]> 2008-09-06T10:51:01Z <![CDATA[Comment by: Jonathan Blake]]> I tend to customize my user experience to the point that my computer becomes almost unusable. For example, my left-handed mouse is enough to drive lesser mortals insane. (I’m a righty but I like the main portion of the keyboard centered in front of the screen and don’t like to reach all the way over past the numeric keypad for the mouse, so I learned to use the mouse left-handed with the buttons switched.) Dvorak is one step closer to making my computer completely useless for the uninitiated. Bwahahahaaa!
