<![CDATA[Comments on: Broken Eggs]]> Jonathan WordPress 2009-09-13T04:12:03Z 2009-09-13T04:12:03Z <![CDATA[Comment by: chanson]]> That’s an amazing speech! I agree with your point that this type of confrontational display wouldn’t be necessary if the LDS church allowed and encouraged open discussion instead of correlation.

I just have one issue with your use of the “broken eggs” quote: I’m not a history expert, but I thought that was a quote from Stalin, and that he was actually talking about killing people in order to achieve his ends, not about breaking decorum and ruffling a few feathers. So I wouldn’t use that quote as something we say or agree with…

]]> 2009-09-13T05:38:30Z <![CDATA[Comment by: Jonathan]]> I had never heard that the phrase was used by Stalin, so I tried to track down the context. I found various authoritative-sounding attributions: to Stalin, Lenin, Robespierre, and Napoleon.

Apparently, the phrase predates all of the above and is a centuries old proverb in many European languages.

Regarding the larger issue of the end justifies the means, I must buck the trend to say that sometimes the ends do justify the means. And sometimes they don’t. It’s a slippery slope, but one that we have to tread every day if we want to accomplish something.
