2011-04-06T21:25:15Z Green Oasis One Mormon boy's iconoclastic quest to remix and rectify his notions of truth, mind, myth, love, life, and transcendence. Copyright 2011 WordPress <![CDATA[Five Things]]> 2009-07-06T20:53:43Z 2009-07-06T20:53:43Z Jonathan I am grateful for…

  1. … a helpful highway patrolman who stopped and lent me a lug wrench to change the flat tire that I had on the way to work.
  2. … the color green.
  3. … the opportunity to make choices.
  4. … a good night’s rest.
  5. … the opportunity to be a father.
]]> <![CDATA[Five Things]]> 2009-07-01T21:02:51Z 2009-07-01T21:02:51Z Jonathan I am grateful for…

  1. … time off from work that reminds me that I am not my job (and takes me far enough out of my routine that I forgot to post one of these on Monday).
  2. … time spent at the park with my family and my nice niece and her family.
  3. … a clean house.
  4. … girls who regularly astound me with how much they’re learning and the wonderful people that they’re becoming.
  5. … the scary realization that people at work put a lot of trust in me.
]]> <![CDATA[Lessons Learned During a Week Without Blogging]]> 2009-06-25T17:53:37Z 2009-06-25T17:53:37Z Jonathan Like a hairy (but disarmingly handsome) prophet am I come back from the promised land.

In case you didn’t notice, I took last week off from blogging, both reading and writing. I responded to a couple of comments here to avoid being discourteous. Other than that, I put myself on a strict no-blog diet.

Twyla Tharp‘s book The Creative Habit (via 43 Folders) inspired me to swear off blogs for a week. Her examples of voluntary sacrifices that can foster creativity made it clear that blogs were a perfect choice for me.

My conscience had been nagging me that blogging had become an unbalanced part of my life. My daughters often came to me as I sat on the couch reading blogs and asked to read a book or play with me. I (irritated by the distraction) would brush them aside, “Not now. I’m reading. Maybe later?”

How fucking backwards! My time with my daughters is slipping away one minute at a time, and I feel obligated to get my feed reader down to zero unread posts? That is the very definition of having my priorities upside down.

Blogging is great. I love that people the world over are having conversations. I have let that conversation with relative strangers distract from my relationship with the people closest to me. There have been far too many days where I came home from work and spent no meaningful time with my family because I was blogging.

Blogging also provides an easy way to procrastinate while feeling like I’m accomplishing something. I do my duty to stay an informed citizen by reading blogs while I put off all those projects that intimidated me too much to even start them. The blogosphere kindly provided a never ending supply of new blog posts to read. Meanwhile, I left important things undone.

So I took the week off from blogging. I also took a week off from work and spent my time at home. So what did I do with all that time? I read the newspaper. I caught up on my reading (books). I played with the girls. I watched movies. I did a few chores. We took field trips to museums and state parks. I worked on long neglected projects. I relaxed. I remembered what it was like to live in a world without blogs.

I noticed something. The non-blog stuff that I read or watched was well thought out and lucidly presented. I felt rewarded for my time spent with them. I imagine the creators put their creations through at least two drafts before giving me the finished product. Let’s face it. With occasional exceptions, a lot of the blog world barely makes it through one draft. It’s a world full of rough drafts that we dash off and send out with a spellcheck (maybe) and a smile. It’s easy to waste time on this noisy channel trying to separate out the valuable from the dross.

Perhaps I am judging the blogging world too harshly. It is more like a conversation with friends than reading a book or watching a movie. Even so, I think I should spend less time chatting with friends and more time with my girls while they’re still interested in spending time with dear ol’ Dad, more time romancing my wife, and more time accomplishing something meaningful to me.

So now what?

I’ll make a deal with you blog-o-sphere: I’ll keep reading in moderation and put my posts through at least two drafts when it’s appropriate (I sat on this post all week), if you’ll forgive me for not reading everything that comes my way. Once I can read all my blogs in about 30–45 minutes a day, I’m done. Any new kid on the block who has a chip on his shoulder and something to prove will have to bump someone else off my reading list.


]]> <![CDATA[Five Things]]> 2009-06-08T20:29:45Z 2009-06-08T20:29:45Z Jonathan You may not have noticed. In these posts, I have avoided the mention of negative aspects of the things I am grateful for. It is really easy to fall into the mode of “This thing over here is pretty crappy, but I’m grateful for it because…”. That seems contrary to what I’m trying to achieve: more openness to the good things in my life.

So, I try to never use the word “but” when expressing gratitude. Instead, I focus solely on the parts that I’m thankful for.

  1. LDS Church, thank you for introducing me to many good people. There are worse ways to start out in life than being surrounded by people who try hard to do what they see as the right thing and who repeatedly emphasize how important it is to know the truth.
  2. Thank you to my employer. I am grateful for the means to consistently put food in front of my family.
  3. To my daughters, thank you for teaching me what it means to be a human being.
  4. To the authors of Everything You Never Wanted Your Kids to Know About Sex, but Were Afraid They’d Ask, thank you for giving me a more reasoned, accepting view of my own sexual development. It’s good to know that I grew up rather typically. I’m sure my daughters will also have reason to thank you in years to come.
  5. I am grateful for the chance to get good sleep. For this, I mostly have to thank myself. It’s up to me to make the most of the opportunities I have.
]]> <![CDATA[Daddy, You are the Weakest Link]]> 2009-06-02T19:18:55Z 2009-06-02T19:18:55Z Jonathan Part of the bedtime ritual we share with our daughters involve “playing pirate”. My hand—in classic hand puppet style—plays the part of the pirate, and the girls interact with it, usually by attacking it, threatening to marry it, etc.

I’ve been thinking about it lately (there’s a cerebral daddy for you) in terms of improvisational theater. Improvisers take an attitude known by “Yes! And…“. If an improviser adds something to the collaborated scene, it helps things to keep flowing if her partners take that idea and run with it rather than refusing the offer. So if one person says hello to the gorilla that just walked into the room, everyone goes along for the ride.

Kids are natural improvisers. They’ll make an entire world from whole cloth without batting an eye. Most of the time, I’m the drag trying to keep things real.

“Why is that cat flying? That’s pretty crazy!”

“How can that car float in the ocean? That’s silly.”

From now on, I’m going to try to pull my own weight and see where my girls will take me.

]]> <![CDATA[Five Things]]> 2009-05-11T17:16:38Z 2009-05-11T17:16:38Z Jonathan Today, I am grateful for…

  1. … the end of a semester that frees me to study what I choose at my own pace.
  2. … healthy children.
  3. … the mother of my children.
  4. … my mother.
  5. … my new-found positive outlook.
]]> <![CDATA[To Reward or Not To Reward]]> 2009-03-07T01:10:00Z 2009-03-07T01:10:00Z Jonathan I never tell my daughters “Good job!” or “You’re so smart!”

Am I a bad parent?

Instead of giving bland, meaningless praise, I prefer to say things like “That really looks like an elephant!” or “You’ve learned the alphabet!” so that we can celebrate their successes together. They learn to take satisfaction in what they do for its own sake rather than as a means to earn my praise. Being labeled smart as a child wasn’t an unqualified good in my life. It would have done me more good to learn to enjoy the fruits of achievement.

The New York Times has an interesting article about the current debate about whether rewarding children helps modify behavior in the long run. Rewards often work in the short term, but children seem to revert (or digress) once rewards are no longer forthcoming.

You can tell what I believe about rewards. We’ll see what the science has to say.

]]> <![CDATA[Five Things]]> 2009-03-02T19:55:35Z 2009-03-02T19:55:35Z Jonathan I am grateful for …

  1. … my older daughter: her curiousity, her intellectual enthusiasm, how considerate of others’ feelings she can be, how loving she is.
  2. … my younger daughter: her joi d’vivre, her tender heart, her beautiful laugh, her willingness to share.
  3. … my wife who treats me better than she should and is generally more wonderful than I deserve.
  4. … the clothes on my back: that they’re clean, that I don’t have to wear the same clothes every day, that I don’t have to walk around naked (I’m sure it’s not as fun as it sounds).
  5. … the internet and how connected it is making our world.
]]> <![CDATA[Five Things]]> 2009-02-23T21:16:55Z 2009-02-23T21:16:55Z Jonathan I’m grateful for …

  1. … the chance to find a companion with whom I can share each day of my life, who has the strength and flexibility to stick with me through thick and thin.
  2. … the opportunity to work with computers. I had no idea early in life that I would become a computer geek, but here I am.
  3. … the chance to watch two brilliant girls grow up.
  4. … a headache that seems like it will only last half of Monday.
  5. … a job (perhaps I should leave it at that, but I’m also thankful for a job …) that lets me get up and take a walk when my brain gets fried.
]]> <![CDATA[Five Things]]> 2009-01-19T18:26:30Z 2009-01-19T18:26:30Z Jonathan
  • I’m thankful that my wife and I have found a way to balance our differing religious beliefs. I have heard about many that haven’t been as fortunate. One thing that helped is the chapter on mixed marriages in Parenting Beyond Belief.
  • I am grateful for the warm sunshine on my face as I study outside.
  • I am grateful to be alive.
  • I am thankful for the time that I’ve been able to spend with my family this long weekend. I had a fun date with my wife and have this holiday to spend a little extra time with my girls.
  • I am grateful that we will have a new president tomorrow. I hope that it will represent a real improvement in national leadership.
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