Caveat Lector II
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
(Hebrews 4:12)
I hope that you have read all of my story. This is the point where I change modes. My focus will shift from building bridges of understanding between us to building a bridge of personal understanding between me and the truth behind all things. I want to understand life, the universe, and everything. That’s a large task and time’s a wastin’—I’m not getting any younger.
This is where I unleash my hardly restrained missionary zeal. I will seek to speak through love and respect, but I will not, however, shy away from truths that may offend. As a more specific warning, I will not spare the teachings of the LDS Church or any other religious body from all due, respectful scrutiny. In fairness, if I find my own beliefs to be wrong, I will not hesitate to change them. I’ve done it before.
I want to think dangerous thoughts. I wish to lay all things as a sacrifice on the altar of truth. The truth is delicious. The truth is freedom, light, life, and joy. I will treasure up every scrap of it that I can find. How we confront the truth says a lot about who we are. The truth is indeed a sword poised to divide us asunder, “a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heartâ€. I hope that the pursuit of truth brings us together, but I understand that some may wish to stop reading at this point.
Please stay.
I hope to have an open and honest discussion, and I can’t do it without you. At least not without being mistaken for mentally ill.
There are tons of books that I’d like to read, so it feels natural to make this something of a book club where we can read and discuss books on a wide range of topics. I’ve collected some books that I’m interested in reading, and started on the book that interests me most at the moment (which I will introduce soon).
Please stay here with me and make this an oasis flourishing around the fountain of truth.
Tags: Green Oasis
February 16, 2007 @ 10:00 pm
I followed the “my story” link above, and it leads to a list of titles with broken links…
However, the titles appear to correspond to your 2007 blog entries, so I suppose I can just start reading all your recent entries to get your story.
I hope you will join “Outer Blogness”: our happy little community of exmormon/post-Mormon bloggers!!!
Jonathan Blake said,
February 17, 2007 @ 9:04 am
Thanks for the heads up! My switch to WordPress was nearly perfect.
I would be happy to join the Outer Blogness. Thank you for putting together the list and making me aware of it. I’ll have to take some time to explore.
I know I said that I would be willing to go it alone for the truth’s sake, but that’s a hard road. I’m glad I don’t have to take it alone.