Standing Out
Richard Dawkins’ OUT Campaign exhorted atheists to be more public about their godlessness. The campaign urges atheists to come out, speak out, reach out, stand out.
I agree that atheists needs to become more visible in the United States. I’m not wild about the campaign’s scarlet letter A symbol. I like the allusions to The Scarlet Letter and The Crucible, but I have other reasons to dislike it. Some thought it was too in your face. I thought it wasn’t in your face enough because the symbol doesn’t have the word “atheist” anywhere. I saw very little point in displaying a symbol only other atheists know the meaning of.
So I went to and made up a shirt to suit my tastes. I drew my inspiration from a plain, gray shirt that I’ve had for years that simply said “geek.” on the front. I also liked the idea of the empty set being a symbol for godlessness. Mix in one handy atheist quote with a slightly mathematical flair, and voilà! I had a t-shirt. Here is yours truly modeling the result:
Front: godless.
Reverse: I contend that we are both atheists.
I just believe in one fewer god than you.
—Stephen F. Roberts
{ }
My wife was out gallivanting around Vegas last week for a bachelorette party—you know how those Mormons are—so I had my four-year-old daughter take these photos. Pretty good for a first time photographer. We’ll have to get her a camera of her own.
I wore the shirt to the grocery store with my daughters. Disappointingly, I have no incidents to report. No one staring in disgust. No one refusing to serve as my cashier. Nothing. I’m left wondering what a passive-aggressive atheist has to do to get noticed around these parts. Perhaps all the showgirls make the average Las Vegan a bit jaded to such public displays.
Oh well. At least no one can accuse me of not doing my part for raising public awareness of atheism.
Tags: Atheism, Richard Dawkins
August 19, 2007 @ 7:26 pm
If you believe in only one less god than I then you are a theist.
August 20, 2007 @ 8:16 am
I bet you’d get a reaction if you walked through the BYU campus wearing that shirt.
Or anywhere in Utah for that matter…
August 20, 2007 @ 8:44 am
That’s the trouble with you polytheistic Mormons.
I wonder how many Mormons would be astute enough to respond the same way Lincoln did. You’re probably right, though. I guess Las Vegas doesn’t seem like a place where godlessness would be looked down on, though you wouldn’t know it for all of the churches here.
CW said,
August 20, 2007 @ 10:10 am
I like that shirt design much better than the Dawkins’ one. If someone wanted one like that, would they have to go make their own at Spreadshirt, or would there be a way to order one from your account?
August 20, 2007 @ 10:40 am
I’ve made the design available at I’m not making any commission on it, and somehow I think you’re getting it for less than I paid for mine. Weird.
August 20, 2007 @ 5:34 pm
Nice design! Naturally, someone will eventually accuse you of persecuting Christians by wearing such a shirt. Bill O’Reilly, maybe.
August 28, 2007 @ 1:25 pm
[...] 28th, 2007 Shop Partner Spotlight , T-shirt Gallery , Blogs To Read I wanted to highlight a blog post that someone else wrote about their Spreadshirt order because it shows off a couple of things about [...]
Anonymous said,
September 11, 2007 @ 1:47 pm
For the truely committed atheist one could Tattoo forehead ” ATHEIST * first tattoo a simple transfer,with confidence then an permanent one.Not confident in tattooing of the forehead,then one start with the tattooing of buttocks one buttock reading… I’M A NAUGHTY ATHEIST… while other reads… SPANK ME… … ….
September 11, 2007 @ 2:36 pm
Thanks, Anonymous. I’m not sure whether you’re trolling or just kidding, but you brightened my day.
Anonymous said,
September 12, 2007 @ 2:14 am
Meant to respond sooner but having had to consult with the creator on a couple of points,the situation of leaving an religious organization is but development in spiritual enlightenment,tieing god to an religion be if you dont have the religion then you dont have god, brainwashing that one made dependent on religious organization,and there be many many many….That able to free self from such not because god deserted you but god ever closer to you giving such strength. God cannot be contained held as the property of one INDIVIDUAL AS OR ORGANIZATION NO MATTER THEIR CLAIMS…….. I should point out that having moved up a rung on the spiritual ladder you may think it get easier NOT SO it be more expected at all levels compassion understanding humility etc etc etc if in wishing being a pure soul then it be the impurities beat out of you,hence if think your escape from a crackpot religious organization having earned your complete freedom then THINK AGAIN…though it true being at increased levels of freedom does have some benifits,no more kneeling in prayer, ON YOUR KNEES BEFORE GOD GONE,having earned the right to stand upright if wishing to converse with god then do so,however keep it sensible,non of this I’m a sinner bullshit if having question then through internet should come the answer.There lots of people out there in the known world whom be at a far more advanced levels than you are, whom willing to share such knowledge as experience,your freedom having earned, access to the most spiritually advanced souls worldwide comes as with your advancement. Regarding ATHEIST be tattooed on forehead as buttocks, the Almighty reveiling sense of humour and pointing out per’aps you having left one band of halfbaked only to join another…….. …. … .. .
September 12, 2007 @ 5:39 am
Your stream of consciousness comment reminded me of a poem by Rumi which Jana reminded me of:
You’re right that replacing a religiously theistic frame of mind with a religiously atheistic frame of mind would be a mistake. I try to avoid those excesses and keep my mind free of confining labels.
I’m deeply suspicious the motives of anyone presenting themselves as on a higher level than me. I’m not looking for a guru.
Anonymous said,
September 12, 2007 @ 6:59 am
I liked the poem an oasis in the desert with a sign saying drink freely, at such even with earned granted permission to stand before God one can only bow in humblest humility….. crying…. Allah be Praised…. God is great……..When one is raised in a religious organization part of the early teaching be satan will come to tempt you away …listen to none but your elders, priest, as high priestess,hence taking new path you will regurgitate the venom placed upon your soul yet in time thoughts understanding be fully under your control not anothers.With western nations for hundreds of years christian religious teaching has been enforced in times under pain of death,if not bowing before self proclaimed masters.You be not alone in freeing self the process happening for many millions you are but early of starting blocks not bronze as silver you go for gold,must add world be full of sharks as wolves in sheeps clothing, hence one must keep one’s wits about them,if offered two bottles of holy water for the price of one, be wise enough to question such offer,it maybe, per’aps the free bottle be not genuine holy water.
September 12, 2007 @ 8:53 am
Jonathan, I think the AI spambot may have got a major upgrade.
September 12, 2007 @ 9:23 am
I feel myself drawn to mysticism, but luckily, mysticism requires no dogma. I don’t even need to believe in a God. Most Western mystics do, but not all. I feel myself drawn most strongly to non-theistic strains of Buddhism.