God Loveth His Children
If I only ever pointed out what I believe to be the shortcomings of the LDS church without praising the positive, I would prove myself to be nothing more than a partisan. With that in mind, I must praise the LDS church’s latest pamphlet on homosexuality, God Loveth His Children, which I found out about through the Sunstone blog. This pamphlet acknowledges that people may be born with homosexual attractions (i.e. just like other people are born with heterosexual attractions) and encouraging members of the church to treat those with homosexual attractions with love.
The pamphlet is not perfect, but it’s a good step toward a healthier view of homosexuality.
Tags: compassion, homosexuality, LDS, Mormonism, sexuality
Seth R. said,
November 16, 2007 @ 7:11 pm
I’m encouraged by this trend as well.
Jonathan Blake said,
November 17, 2007 @ 3:07 am
I want to add that the pamphlet also accepts that some people will never become heterosexual in this life. There is still the hope that they will be cured in the afterlife, but let’s focus on the positive today.